How to Add LED Lenses to 3D Printed Helmets
June 28, 2021
How to Weather 3D Printed Helmets
July 19, 2021Cosplayer Spotlight July 2021
Social media handles?
First name / known to friends as?
Where are you Located?
Northern California
How did you get started cosplaying?
Took my son to this library event and saw a bunch of cool Star Wars cosplayers and from there I started dressing my son up and then I joined in on dressing up with him.
Which cosplay are you most known for?
Red Hood
How long have you been cosplaying?
4 years
What was your first convention?
San Francisco Comic Con
What is your favorite convention?
I don’t really have a favorite one.
What is the farthest you traveled specifically for a con?
I’ve only gone to local cons but we’ve visited a friend we met through cosplay in Pennsylvania.
Which convention will you never miss?
Do you practice your poses before a con?
Sometimes lol
What is your convention/cosplay pet peeve? (If you have one)
(If you have one) I just hate hot days when I have to dress up.
Are you a con cruncher, or do you prepare a head of time?
Ahead of time, but I always seem to forget something the day of.
What is your favorite media to work with?
What is the most amount of time you’ve spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
Probably 3 months. Nothing crazy.
What is the least amount of time you spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
Like a week if I remember correctly.
Which of your cosplay’s is your favorite?
Its so hard to choose honestly, but it would be one of my red hoods 😅.
Have you ever given up entirely on a cosplay? What was it?
I gave up entirely making a Doc Ock cosplay for my son a few years back.
What is your favorite genre to cosplay from? (Comics, anime, video games, etc.)
What is your dream cosplay?
Batman Beyond and Arkham knight.
What is your dream prop?
A functional Mandalorian jetpack.
You get hit by a car, and wake up in a different world, where are you?
In a world where batman exists and I’m his sidekick.
Do you see yourself growing out of cosplay, or is this something you wish to keep doing as long as you can?
Hard to say. I really enjoy the process of making stuff for my kids and I so probably not.
Credit to the photographers listed below: