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June 28, 2021Cosplayer Spotlight June 2021
Social media handles?
Jordan.J.Cosplay (Instagram)
Jordan.Redhood1 (Twitter)
First name / known to friends as?
Jordan / Jaybird by some.
Where are you Located?
Detroit, Michigan
How did you get started cosplaying?
I Went to my first Comic-Con in 2014, I did a cheap Teen Titans Superboy, blue jeans and black shirt with the red “S”. Simple I know but then seeing every dress up as their favorite comic book characters was fun to see so the following year I wanted to go all out and join in on the fun.
Which cosplay are you most known for?
Red Hood & The Phantasm from “Batman Mask of the Phantasm”.
How long have you been cosplaying?
I’ve been cosplaying for six years now.
What was your first convention?
My first convention was Motor City Comic-Con 2014.
What is your favorite convention?
Definitely DragonCon 2017
What is the farthest you traveled specifically for a con?
Being my first out of state Con, that would be Emerald City Comic-Con in Seattle, Washington.
Which convention will you never miss?
YoumaCon, only because it’s like 10 minutes from my house.
Do you practice your poses before a con?
I practice my poses for each character I cosplay as. It’s difficult when there’s no reference photos to work with and you basically have to come up with you own. Had to do that with my Phantasm cosplay.
What is your convention/cosplay pet peeve? (If you have one)
Cosplays or props breaking before or during a con, or even forgetting a piece or two for the cosplay that I bring to an out of state con. That’s the worst.
Are you a con cruncher, or do you prepare a head of time?
Yes and No, I do like to give myself time to make the cosplay and not have to rush it. If I know it won’t get done in time, then I just finish it for another con. Unless it’s for a group shoot, then I have no choice, but to finish it.
What is your favorite media to work with?
What is the most amount of time you’ve spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
The most amount of time on a cosplay I’d say, four to five months and that was on my Mandalorian cosplay, had to wait on pieces like the belt and flight suit to be made. For my first Star Wars cosplay it turned out pretty nicely.
What is the least amount of time you spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
Least amount of time, I’d say one week and that was for my Black Mask cosplay.
Which of your cosplay’s is your favorite?
Red Hood no question. It’s exhausting to put on and wear, but it looks really good and the positive feedback and reactions I get from any of the versions I wear is a really great feeling.
Have you ever given up entirely on a cosplay? What was it?
Yep, That would Scarecrow. Wasn’t turning out the way I had in made so I toss that idea away for now.
What is your favorite genre to cosplay from? (Comics, anime, video games, etc.)
Mainly Comics.
What is your dream cosplay?
My dream cosplay? Oh man that’s a tough one. Either “Superman Returns” Superman suit, or “Batman Forever” Panther Suit.
What is your dream prop?
Back to the Future – Time Machine/Delorean
You get hit by a car, and wake up in a different world, where are you?
Somewhere within the DC universe, I hope.
Do you see yourself growing out of cosplay, or is this something you wish to keep doing as long as you can?
I have feelings of wanting to get out of cosplay, especially since the pandemic hit last year. That feeling comes in waves. Now I’m just doing things as I go, kind of balancing the two. Not necessarily stop cosplaying, but not going full throttle with. I’m just in my lane and I’m cruising.
Credit to the photographers listed below:
The Mandalorian photo was taken by Cowgirlcosplays on Instagram
The Red Hood and Phantasm photos were taken by me