How to Finish a Nova Helmet
October 15, 2021
VPS Artist Alley – Gryphon509
January 5, 2022Cosplayer Spotlight October 2021
Social media handles?
@rlh_cosplay on Instagram and TikTok
First name / known to friends as?
Ray or Raymond
Where are you Located?
I currently live in NYC, so I’m a NYC cosplayer
How did you get started cosplaying?
I went to NYCC back ‘15 and bought a random Kirito cosplay and wore it which awaken my love for cosplay. Just back in ‘19 I took cosplay a bit seriously as Red Hood.
Which cosplay are you most known for?
I’m best known for my Red Hood cosplay.
How long have you been cosplaying?
Since 2015, so 6 years on and off.
What was your first convention?
My very first convention is NYCC
What is your favorite convention?
Once again my favorite is NYCC, it’s local for me.
What is the farthest you traveled specifically for a con?
I flew out to Orlando, Florida for Megacon.
Which convention will you never miss?
Definitely NYCC lol
Do you practice your poses before a con?
A bit, I took some martial arts classes before when I was younger so I know how to pose and hold a stance.
What is your convention/cosplay pet peeve? (If you have one)
When people come up to me without asking and pretend attack me w/ their prop.
Are you a con cruncher, or do you prepare a head of time?
Not really, I prepare ahead of time. Most of my cosplay items I make sure to get before the con.
What is your favorite media to work with?
I like to use IG mainly. TikTok is where I like to record and post funny videos
What is the most amount of time you’ve spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
Hmm unfortunately I never had to work on my cosplays since they’re mainly commissions, but I spent a pretty penny on them so I guess time worked equals to time I’ve spent lol.
What is the least amount of time you spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
Least amount is … 🤔, probably my brown leather jacket which is like $50 . Everything else except for jeans, compression shirt is in the triple digits.
Which of your cosplay’s is your favorite?
Right now, I’m really excited for my Grey Warden cosplay I can’t wait to receive it and shoot with it once it comes in.
Have you ever given up entirely on a cosplay? What was it?
Yeah, when I couldn’t find a specific piece off Etsy, eBay, Amazon or cosplay online stores.
What is your favorite genre to cosplay from? (Comics, anime, video games, etc.)
Mainly comics. I grew up w comics I’m slowly going into other categories video games, & anime.
What is your dream cosplay?
Honestly, big armor cosplay. Not sure which but I wanna do like an armored cosplay.
What is your dream prop?
A functional hidden blade from assassins creed, those really look cool and fun to play with.
You get hit by a car, and wake up in a different world, where are you?
Do you see yourself growing out of cosplay, or is this something you wish to keep doing as long as you can?
I can see myself keep doing this until I get older. Maybe one day if ever, show my kids to it too so we can enjoy something together.
Credit to the photographers listed below:
- mlargestudios
- Joselzquierdophotography
- Eddiegphoto.cosplay