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How to Finish a Nova Helmet
October 15, 2021Cosplayer Spotlight September 2021
Social media handles?
@oldfashionednerd on Instagram and TikTok
First name / known to friends as?
Where are you Located?
Chicago IL area
How did you get started cosplaying?
A group of my friends who had been cosplaying for years were going to a con and invited me and another friend to join their Batman Villains group. I went as Two-Face and my friend went as the Riddler. We had such a great time that weekend, I was hooked after that.
Which cosplay are you most known for?
Probably either Green Lantern or Wolverine
How long have you been cosplaying?
Since 2012
What was your first convention?
Megacon Orlando
What is your favorite convention?
It’s a tie between Holiday Matsuri in Orlando and Wondercon in Anaheim
What is the farthest you traveled specifically for a con?
A friend of mine and I drove from FL to KY to meet a bunch of the original Power Rangers cast.
Which convention will you never miss?
I don’t remember the name, that’s how much it didn’t mean to me. Usually very small ones that take place inside a hotel lobby are my least favorite.
Do you practice your poses before a con?
Absolutely and then I somehow only use 1 or 2 poses for the whole convention.
What is your convention/cosplay pet peeve? (If you have one)
When anyone tells you what you should have done differently with your costume.
Are you a con cruncher, or do you prepare a head of time?
I prepare ahead of time. I don’t do stress so if the costume isn’t ready in time, I just wear something else.
What is your favorite media to work with?
Still photos/photography. I always feel awkward when it comes to video.
What is the most amount of time you’ve spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
In 2016 I attempted foam work for an Aquaman cosplay. It was my first time working with foam and was very time consuming. Overall, I was disappointed with how it turned out and I don’t work with foam anymore. Most of my costumes now just involve me wearing a spandex costume.
What is the least amount of time you spent on a cosplay, and what was it?
Most of my costumes I just buy and wear. I’d rather pay a professional to make it look good than to waste my time making something that won’t look as good.
Which of your cosplay’s is your favorite?
Probably Wolverine. I always feel like a badass in the costume and it took me the longest to put together.
Have you ever given up entirely on a cosplay? What was it?
I attempted a Yellow Lantern Pennywise and quickly realized I didn’t like the design of the suit and that I’m terrible at face makeup so I scrapped that idea altogether.
What is your favorite genre to cosplay from? (Comics, anime, video games, etc.)
Comic characters are my favorite.
What is your dream cosplay?
I’ve been lucky enough to have already cosplayed a lot of my dream cosplays but a few that are still on the list are the Blue Ninjetti Power Ranger, Batnipples Nightwing, banana leaf Alan Parrish, and Etrigon the Demon.
What is your dream prop?
The first thing that comes to mind is a 1:1 scale green lantern.
You get hit by a car, and wake up in a different world, where are you?
I would love to be in the world of Pokémon. Anyone can be a Pokémon trainer. If I were to get transported to marvel/dc comics world its possible I’d just be a civilian.
Do you see yourself growing out of cosplay, or is this something you wish to keep doing as long as you can?
As of now, I don’t see myself growing out of it. I actually look forward to cosplaying more mature versions of certain characters.
Credit to the photographers listed below: